All posts by thekruser

I am a database and web developer who is starting to dabble in mobile application development. My ramblings are not always politically correct, but they are mine. If I offend you, you should grow some thicker skin.

SocialScope Invite Giveaway

SocialScope Logo

This contest’s entry period is over.

I will post the entries that I received in a separate blog post so you can vote.

SocialScope is a BlackBerry app that features twitter, facebook, flickr, and foursquare integration with the ability to simultaneously post to multiple accounts. It is hands-down my favorite twitter client. The problem is, they have been in private beta since 2008. Many people have been waiting for this app…and will continue to wait. You could request an invite or…you could enter my contest!

All you have to do to enter is tell me why you are the one person in the world that deserves a SocialScope invite more than anyone else! It is that simple. There are two ways to enter, and it couldn’t be easier: Continue reading SocialScope Invite Giveaway

So you Bought a Router, What Now? (For the Beginner)

So, you bought a router today? Not sure how to hook it up? The diagrams below will show you waht to do! Click the images for a larger view.

Follow the instructions that came with your new router!

  • Phone cord: thin (usually flat) wire with 4 pins in the connector
  • Cable: thick round cable with a metal connector and a single copper wire in the center of the connector
  • CAT-5: round cord thicker than phone cord, but not as thick as cable with 8 pins in the connector
What you have now (if you have DSL) diagram
If you have DSL
What you have now (if you have a cable modem) diagram
If you have a cable modem
What you need to do diagram
How you need to hook it up
Back of router diagram (what goes where)
Where the wires go

The Ten Commandments of Access

Microsfot Access 2007 LogoAnd it came to pass that the cries and lamentations of the Access newbies were heard on high by the gods of the Database, and their hearts were moved to pity for their followers. And they opened their mouths and spake, saying: “Nevermore shall the young and innocent wander witless on their journeys! We shall provide guidance to them, yea, and to all who wish to seek the paths of wisdom.” And they caused these commandments to be written and placed before the eyes of those seeking enlightenment. Continue reading The Ten Commandments of Access

Marinating 101: Some Tips for the Beginner

A marinade is a slightly to moderately acidic sauce that you “soak” your meat and vegetables in before you grill it. It is used to give the meat and vegetables flavor and tenderize them. A marinade is not to be confused with a rub, which is usually a dry seasoning you rub into the meat before grilling…but that is another post for another day.

There are several way to marinade meat. Here are a few: Continue reading Marinating 101: Some Tips for the Beginner

What I Hate About Twitter for BlackBerry

Here is a short list of what I hate about #T4BB. Granted, right now I’m tired as hell and a bit irritable. Either way, here we go. Just off the top of my head:

  • The fact that there is no shortcut for “quote tweet” either on the keyboard or in the Profile page.
  • The way “quote tweet” looks all together. What was wrong with RT?
  • @replies show in my timeline WAY before they show in my @reply list.
  • If they can get DMs to show in my messages list, why the hell is it that my @replies don’t?
  • Why does the “integrate into messages” produce one thing only in my messages list “You have new tweets.”?
  • No multi-acct support.
  • It randomly scrolls. I can be scrolling up my timeline, then for no reason at all it just shoots to the bottom.
  • When I click a link in a tweet and it opens the page, when I hit the back key, it does not take me back to T4BB.
  • There is no day separator. When one scrolls through their timeline, there is no distinction between today and yesterday.
  • There is no “This person is following you” notification on the Profile page.
  • The fact that “Unfollow” is the first option in the Profile page. So annoying when I am trying to hit the RT link and accidentally hit unfollow.
  • You can’t scroll left or right to return to the top.

And that’s all I can think of at the moment. Got one? Leave it in the comments.


Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Some of my Favorite Quotes

  • “Carry the battle to them. Don’t let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don’t ever apologize for anything.” – President Harry S. Truman
  • “Beer is good.” – thekruser
  • “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace” – Thomas Paine
  • “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough” – Mario Andretti
  • “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.” – Charles Bukowski
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all.” – Helen Keller
  • “I refuse to tip toe through life only to arrive safely at death.” – Anonymous
  • “Welcome to planet motherfucker.” – Rob Zombie
  • “Everybody should believe in something. I believe I’ll have another drink.” W. C. Fields
  • “What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?” – W. C. Fields
  • “Money may not buy happiness, but it sure can rent it for a long fucking time.” -thekruser
  • “If life give you lemons, try to find someone whose life gave them vodka and have a party.” – Ron White
  • “It is not enough that I succeed, others must fail.” – Gore Vidal
  • “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein