Tag Archives: twitter

What I Hate About Twitter for BlackBerry

Here is a short list of what I hate about #T4BB. Granted, right now I’m tired as hell and a bit irritable. Either way, here we go. Just off the top of my head:

  • The fact that there is no shortcut for “quote tweet” either on the keyboard or in the Profile page.
  • The way “quote tweet” looks all together. What was wrong with RT?
  • @replies show in my timeline WAY before they show in my @reply list.
  • If they can get DMs to show in my messages list, why the hell is it that my @replies don’t?
  • Why does the “integrate into messages” produce one thing only in my messages list “You have new tweets.”?
  • No multi-acct support.
  • It randomly scrolls. I can be scrolling up my timeline, then for no reason at all it just shoots to the bottom.
  • When I click a link in a tweet and it opens the page, when I hit the back key, it does not take me back to T4BB.
  • There is no day separator. When one scrolls through their timeline, there is no distinction between today and yesterday.
  • There is no “This person is following you” notification on the Profile page.
  • The fact that “Unfollow” is the first option in the Profile page. So annoying when I am trying to hit the RT link and accidentally hit unfollow.
  • You can’t scroll left or right to return to the top.

And that’s all I can think of at the moment. Got one? Leave it in the comments.


Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

The Top 5 Things I Hate When People do on Twitter

Screaming WomanNo one can be happy all the time, least of all someone like me. I can be doing something I thoroughly enjoy, yet still have something to be angry about. It is human nature…at least it is my nature. Anyone who knows me knows that I enjoy twitter. However, there a few things that people do that irritate me. Here are the top 5: Continue reading The Top 5 Things I Hate When People do on Twitter

A Guide to SocialScope Shortcuts

SocialScopeSocialScope is a new application for BlackBerry that allows users to simultaneously post to Twitter and Facebook. They are also working on Flickr and FourSquare integration. Unfortunately, they are still in private alpha. You can get on the waiting list by signing up at socialscope.net. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have been sent an invitation to SocialScope have discovered just how hard it is to live without it.
Continue reading A Guide to SocialScope Shortcuts