Tag Archives: T4BB

What I Hate About Twitter for BlackBerry

Here is a short list of what I hate about #T4BB. Granted, right now I’m tired as hell and a bit irritable. Either way, here we go. Just off the top of my head:

  • The fact that there is no shortcut for “quote tweet” either on the keyboard or in the Profile page.
  • The way “quote tweet” looks all together. What was wrong with RT?
  • @replies show in my timeline WAY before they show in my @reply list.
  • If they can get DMs to show in my messages list, why the hell is it that my @replies don’t?
  • Why does the “integrate into messages” produce one thing only in my messages list “You have new tweets.”?
  • No multi-acct support.
  • It randomly scrolls. I can be scrolling up my timeline, then for no reason at all it just shoots to the bottom.
  • When I click a link in a tweet and it opens the page, when I hit the back key, it does not take me back to T4BB.
  • There is no day separator. When one scrolls through their timeline, there is no distinction between today and yesterday.
  • There is no “This person is following you” notification on the Profile page.
  • The fact that “Unfollow” is the first option in the Profile page. So annoying when I am trying to hit the RT link and accidentally hit unfollow.
  • You can’t scroll left or right to return to the top.

And that’s all I can think of at the moment. Got one? Leave it in the comments.


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