All posts by thekruser

I am a database and web developer who is starting to dabble in mobile application development. My ramblings are not always politically correct, but they are mine. If I offend you, you should grow some thicker skin.

A Guide to SocialScope Shortcuts

SocialScopeSocialScope is a new application for BlackBerry that allows users to simultaneously post to Twitter and Facebook. They are also working on Flickr and FourSquare integration. Unfortunately, they are still in private alpha. You can get on the waiting list by signing up at Those of us who are fortunate enough to have been sent an invitation to SocialScope have discovered just how hard it is to live without it.
Continue reading A Guide to SocialScope Shortcuts

2 Steps to Stopping Splog Registrations in WordPress MU

Comment Spammers Burn in HellI was doing some routine maintenance on all of my blogs today, when I noticed an unusual number of new blogs had been created on one of my domains. Immediately, I was filled with a feeling of pride…one of my blogs had finally gone mainstream! Out of sheer excitement, I logged in to the site to see what my new authors were posting. As the page loaded (my internet is running a tad slow tonight), I felt like child unwrapping the BIG present Christmas morning. I eagerly anticipated reading the newest blog posts, but was instead met with a stunning revelation: sploggers had invaded. Continue reading 2 Steps to Stopping Splog Registrations in WordPress MU

42 Must-Have WordPress Plugins

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I was sitting here pondering what to post. I thought I would jump on my blog to check recent comments. Once I logged in, I saw I had a plugin update available and I did a mini-dance in my head. I love plugin updates because you never know what new features you are going to get. Then it hit me…why not do a post on my favorite WordPress plugins? So, without further adieu, here they are! Continue reading 42 Must-Have WordPress Plugins

I said, “Hello” you Prick!

WILD MAN FISCHER in 'Derailroaded'Something I hate more than anything…inconsiderate people. Why is it that the farther down the path of time we go, the more manners seem to go by the wayside? No matter how nice you are to some people, they are just rude. The most recent example in my life, and the reason I am writing now, is the people who don’t ever return a greeting. Seriously, how fucking hard is it to just say hello back? Now, I will be the first to admit, and those who know me will attest to the validity of my claim…I am an asshole. I am usually not one that people stand in line to talk to, unless they want something from me. However, when someone offers me a greeting, I at least have the decency to return it. Continue reading I said, “Hello” you Prick!

Get WP-Slimbox2 to Autodetect Additional File Extensions

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Those of us that use WP-Slimbox2 plugin for WordPress (by Transient Monkey) have the simplest Lightbox/Slimbox integration yet. All we have to do is include an image link in the post, and WP-Slimbox2 does the rest. There is only one problem with it: by default it only autodetects .jpg, .png, and .gif file extensions. This is fine, if those are the only file extensions you use. What if you have some .jpeg or .bmp files referenced? It does not autodetect those extensions. Luckily, there is a fix. Continue reading Get WP-Slimbox2 to Autodetect Additional File Extensions

Erase your iPhone or iPod Touch

Have an iPod touch or an iPhone you are getting rid of? Send me an email, I will send you my address! Yes, that was a joke, but I’ll take it if you send it! Regardless of where the device goes, you might want to erase it first. If you don’t, whomever you give it to will have all of your data and network info. Not good. Continue reading Erase your iPhone or iPod Touch

Take a Screen Capture on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Ever need to capture what you see on your iPhone or iPod touch? Need to show step-by-step directions in your blog or email whats going on to tech support? On the older iPod touch versions, you had to install a third-party app to get it done. Not anymore! Continue reading Take a Screen Capture on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Solve a Vanishing Network on your iPod Touch

Having issues with your iPod touch not retaining your Wi-Fi settings? Getting tired of having to enter your Wi-Fi settings every time you want to connect to your network? Irritating, isn’t it? I feel your pain. I argued with this for weeks before I finally found the solution. With a few simple steps, and about 5 minutes of your life, you can put this problem to rest! Continue reading Solve a Vanishing Network on your iPod Touch

Restore Lost Speed, Reset your iPod Touch

iPod touch giving you random problems? Have you noticed a lag developing in its performance? You probably need to reset it. You next question is probably something along the lines of, “Will I lose everything when I do it?” That was my first question, anyway. The answer is no. This is a basic step equivalent to restarting your computer. A reset should always be your first troubleshooting step for your iPod Touch. Continue reading Restore Lost Speed, Reset your iPod Touch