Category Archives: Announcements Makes the #1 Slot on Google!

Woo-hoo!! made #1!

Yes, I know this is a relatively minor milestone, but one I take much pride in. I am one guy. Corporations spend thousands of dollars to get on the first page of Google and some still never make it. My thanks goes out to each and every one of you. Yes…if you are reading this, that means you! Without my readers and commenters, it would never have happened. I have spent a lot of time researching foursquare badges, and I have a few dedicated commenters who have helped me along the way. A special “thank you” goes out to everyone who has helped me in my endeavor. Be it through comments, links, pingbacks, or help with code, without your help this would never have been possible.

Thanks again to all of my readers and commenters. You guys ROCK!

Foursquare for BlackBerry Beta Gets an Update

Beta App in ProgressJust when I was ready to hit the rack, my friend Nan: BlackBerry Power User let me know about the newest version of the foursquare for BlackBerry Beta. So…thanks, Nan, for letting me know about the newest update; THANKS NAN, NOW I HAVE TO WRITE A NEW POST! Ha ha ha! I am starting to see double at this point — I am rather tired (thank God for spell check) — but if I didn’t post at least something, I would feel like I am letting my readers down. so, without further adieu, this is what I noticed on first glance. Continue reading Foursquare for BlackBerry Beta Gets an Update